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    Understanding the root causes of anxiety

    As we close out 2020 and look to the next year, hope and new beginnings may seem difficult to embrace. COVID-19 has brought the world into uncharted waters and we continue to face much uncertainty on the global, national, and local scale. It is understandable that anxiety has increased in prevalence as a result. There are concrete steps that you can take to uncover the root causes of your own anxiety and regain control.


    Anxiety is the most common mental health disorder in the United States, with over 40 million people over the age of eighteen suffering from some form of it. That is 18.1 percent of the population – and of those diagnosed, only 36 percent are getting treatment. While we are all familiar with occasional feelings of worry, stress, and tension, there is a difference between these occasional feelings and chronic anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are characterized by feelings of overwhelming worry, panic, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one’s daily life and prevent engagement in normal activities. 


    Those with an anxiety disorder may experience stress that is out of proportion to the impact of the events around them, and an inability to set aside feelings of worry, nervousness, and restlessness. They may find it difficult to concentrate and stay focused on daily tasks, or have a difficult time relaxing due to feeling “wired.” They may have panic attacks. They can also have physical symptoms such as tight muscles, twitches, or trembles; headache, upset stomach, or pain; disrupted sleep, light-headedness, sweating, or shortness of breath. The good news is that there are lifestyle treatments that can target the root causes of anxiety.


    How Functional Medicine Can Help

    Functional medicine physicians treat anxiety by looking at the whole patient – taking into account their overall physical, psychological, environmental, and emotional well-being. It is important to note that the functional approach does not exclude the use of prescription medications like Prozac, Zoloft, or Paxil, which are effective at balancing neurotransmitters while lifestyle changes are implemented. However, these medications do not fix the root cause of the neurotransmitter imbalances that lead to anxiety – so it is worth re-examining their use after effective lifestyle changes have become long-term habits.


    Anxiety can manifest very differently from person to person, and can even present differently for the same person under varying conditions! Because of this, I take an individualized approach with every patient. Together, we look at nutrition and the gut microbiome (did you know that 80%+ of your neurotransmitters are produced in the gut?). When appropriate, we test for infections, evaluate past traumas and anxiety triggers, hormone balance, toxic exposures, and relationships. We also look at recent stressors, changes in the environment, and daily routine (clearly, the pandemic has exacerbated chronic mental health conditions for many!) 


    Learn your root cause(s) – and flip the switch to your own anxiety!

    Functional medicine gives us the tools to truly understand the various root causes of anxiety, and in turn, to empower you to manage it. Delving into the lifestyle factors that contribute to anxiety is not as easy as taking a prescription pill (or even a vitamin), and can take several months  – but it is so important for long-term health! The following action steps can help you investigate your own root causes.


    1. Define and track your anxiety

    • How does your anxiety feel? (write down your symptoms)
    • When does it happen?  (time of day, in certain locations, around certain people?)
    • How severe is it on a scale from 1-10? (1 is very mild, 10 is extreme panic)
    • What makes it better or worse?

    Answering these core questions is the first step to uncovering your root causes. I recommend tracking your symptoms in a Symptom Journal for a minimum of 30-90 days to start identifying patterns between your anxiety and your daily routine. Uncovering and understanding these patterns will empower you to implement the lifestyle changes that are most helpful.


    2. Perform an Elimination Diet

    In all cases of functionally disabling anxiety, the following foods should be eliminated for at least 30 days, or longer: caffeine, sugar, alcohol, gluten, and processed foods. These foods can cause inflammation and elevate the stress hormone cortisol, which promotes the ‘fight-or-flight’ anxiety response. They also inhibit proper digestion and absorption of nutrients in the gut, while encouraging the growth of harmful bacteria that disrupt the balance of good vs bad bacteria in the gut microbiome. 


    3. Practice HeartMath
    HeartMath is an evidence-based biofeedback system that can be used to retrain your response to stress at the cellular level. When practiced successfully, Heartmath shuts off the part of the autonomic nervous system that governs “fight or flight,” allowing the body to spend more time in “rest and digest” mode. A bluetooth sensor can be purchased here to use with the Inner Balance app on Android or iOS smartphones. For best results, it is recommended to practice HeartMath consistently for 15 minutes daily for a period of at least 3 months. 


    4. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and positivity every day: 

    • Keep a daily gratitude journal – write down 3 things you are thankful for each day.
    • Reserve time each day to speak positive affirmations out loud.
    • Engage in prayer, meditation, chanting, or other regular spiritual practices.


    For some, taking the above action steps and tracking their response in a symptom journal is all that is needed to uncover the root causes of anxiety and regain control over their symptoms. For others, deeper investigation with the help of a certified Institute for Functional Medicine Practitioner may be necessary. There is no ‘one size fits all’ treatment that works for anxiety. At our practice, we encourage patients to identify and address their own root causes so they are no longer controlled by their symptoms. We help patients learn how to “flip the switch” to regain control. 


    Your healthcare is our top priority. We are committed to supporting you on your health journey. 

    We offer medical visits in Iowa, nationwide health coaching, and a functional medicine education program for the general public including online classes, an online support group, and an archived library of educational webinars, handouts, and health resources.


    Julia Buchkina, MD, MPH, ABIHM, IFMCP

    Upstream Functional Medicine

    Call Us Here: 319-471-4727 

    Check Out Our Website: https://upstreamfm.com/


    anxiety, gratitude, heartmath, nutrition, pandemic

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